
Magach 6B Gal Batash Israel Main Battle Tank
Magach 6B Gal Batash Israel Main Battle Tank

The M60A1 (and M60A3), designated Magach 6A (6 Alef).The actual M60 (Magach 6) or the first of the M60 series with a distinctive M48-looking round turret and a massive cupola.Secondly, there were two different tanks designated Magach 6: The reason why this is so rarely mentioned is likely the confusion of the M60s with similar-looking upgraded M48s. These also included some of the best American tanks available, the M60 series with 150 M60 tanks (designated Magach 6 in Israeli service) delivered for the first time in 1971 to the Israeli port of Haifa, followed by a number of M60A1 tanks two years later, in 1973.įor one, contrary to what we wrote earlier in the M60 article, the M60 tanks were, in fact, exported to Israel along with the M60A1 and its successors. In the early 1970s, American arms were flowing already into Israel relatively freely in order to offset the massive arms deals provided by the Soviet Union to its Arab allies. Sounds understandable enough? Don’t worry, it gets more complicated than that.

Magach 6B Gal Batash Israel Main Battle Tank Magach 6B Gal Batash Israel Main Battle Tank

The Magach 6 is, simply put, an M60 series improved to match Israeli needs. You are already familiar with the Magach series of Main Battle Tanks – these were variants of the American M48 Patton series, upgraded for Israeli service.

Magach 6B Gal Batash Israel Main Battle Tank